Burble Creativity

Burble Sleep Tent
AVA (Autism Sleep Tent) provides an immersive storytelling experience designed to engage your child’s imagination, calm sensitivities, and help them settle into deep, restful sleep.

“Very exciting product. The
Burble experience matched perfectly with my son’s vast imagination. At one point, my son was playing a video game
and stopped and asked if he could try Burble again. That is rare in my household!”
-Rich Erikson

Father of two sons with Autism
“The reason I like AvA is that parents and young children can use AvA together to help stimulate creative thought and encourage reading with her immersive environment. As kids
get older and are reading more fluently on their own, they can use AvA to help immerse themselves in her stories, imagine and think creatively while reading.”

-Tanya Altmann
MD, FAAP, Parenting Book Author

Thank you for the Immersive Storytelling Experience with Burble. My 14 year old Autistic son LOVED the experience- he is still talking about it! It ignited his imagination and to hear him storytelling based on the sounds and lights was incredible to witness. He typically has difficulties regulating and winding down each night. However, the night he attended the Storytelling Experience he was calmer than usual and able to fall asleep earlier and slept through the night. That NEVER happens. EVER. Recently, after he had a difficult day at school due to sensory overload in his classes. I was going over calming techniques and strategies, and asked him “What helps? When do you feel your most calm or brings you peace?” I was expecting him to go over his sensory toolkit- but he replied, “That one day, when we did the stories with the lights.” He was talking about the Immersive Storytelling Experience! Being able to have something similar at home could make a HUGE impact on children and even adults like my son, potentially allowing them to live a fuller life- not only from a creative standpoint, but also in terms sensory integration and processing.
Thank you again Taylor!” -Julie

Our mission
Bringing humans together through story.

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